Taken together these results strongly support that the expression of the FUS-DDIT3 oncogene is able to block the adipocyte differentiation program of target mesenchymal progenitor cells

May 26, 2017

tion reduction, phospholipid catabolism Protein name Glial fibrillary acidic protein isoform 1 Up/down regulation qQQQQ QQQQQ Accession number Cellular localization P14136 Cytoplasm, intermedier filament Molecular function Central nervous system development, structural constituent of cytoskeleton : proteins involved in schizophrenia; +: proteins involved in depression; S: proteins involved in suicide. : proteins involved in schizophrenia; +: proteins involved in depression; S: proteins involved in suicide. Bold-italic gene names highlighting those proteins that were found in those differently expressed protein spots that proved significant with both statistical tests. q or Q: the direction of the spot intensity change of a given spot compared to control. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050532.t001 gained regarding the molecular Vercirnon mechanisms by linking identified proteins to known functional protein pathways of psychiatric diseases. Limitation of the Post Mortem Study The proteomic analysis of post mortem human brain samples has some inherent limitations. The post mortem human brain proteome reflects the changes of protein expression in the human brain while alive, including the changes resulted from the complex psychopathological processes leading to suicide. However, both pre- and post mortem factors can affect tissue quality that will influence the quantitative proteomics data. These factors include prolonged agonal state, metabolic state, the use of drugs, infections, hypoxia and the post mortem interval, that is the period from death to freezing of the brain for long-term storage. In our present study to decrease the effect of these factors, we used brain samples from people who had died from hanging and from individuals who died due to acute cardiac arrest. We have to be aware that the differentially altered proteins in our study may reflect the cause of death and not solely the intended vulnerability of suicide, but this relatively homogeneous experimental sample group design is a plus in our human post mortem study. Moreover, the pH of each sample was measured and they had fallen in a narrow range. This could be important because the 21927650 post mortem brain pH is informative about certain types of ante mortem factors. Furthermore, PMI was relatively short in our study that is an advantage, although it was repeatedly demonstrated that most human brain proteins are quite stable with respect to post mortem factors, such as PMI. Even so, we have to be aware that certain protein abundance changes are dependant on the PMI duration and these proteins include e.g. GFAP and INA that also changed in this study. However, the PMI duration was short and overlapping in our study, and the spot positions in the gel and the peptide coverage of the identified protein, as well as the opposite change of some proteins in the two brain structures, do not suggest simple protein degradation. We think, that at least some of these cytoskeleton related protein abundance changes observed in our study could be in vivo existing protein isoforms reflecting the pathophysiological processes of psychiatric illnesses rather than protein degradation. However, one question is open, whether the changes in protein expression present before the suicide or the result of the trauma 12484537 from the suicide. Post mortem brain tissue studies on suicide brains can not elucidate this question. Protein expression changes presented here can be the result of pre-suicide psychotic state, or a longer