Filter paper was placed under the wired floor cages to collect urine samples and replaced hourly

June 2, 2017

mitochondrial membranes seen by EM. This may explain our observations of altered mitochondrial morphology in PINK1 deficient human neurons. The importance of glutathione in recessive PD has already been explored: depleting MMAE web parkin null flies of PINK1 Deficiency 12 PINK1 Deficiency Model SHSY5Y human Midbrain neurons human Cortical neurons mouse PINK1 deficiency shRNA shRNA Trans-genic Reduced viability Age-related Age-related Age-related Sensitivity to apoptosis Basal STS-induced Basal STS-induced Basal Mitochondria dysfunction QDym QDym Altered mitochondrial morphology N/A Oxidative stress N/A qROS Q total glutathione N/A Lysosomal dysfunction N/A qautophago-lysosomes q lysotracker uptake q lysotracker uptake N/A = not assessed 13 PINK1 Deficiency glutathione-S-transferase enzyme exacerbated the neurodegenerative phenotype. Conversely, re-introduction of GST was found to rescue the mitochondrial swelling and neuronal loss in parkin knockouts. Clearly, there exists a complex interrelationship between glutathione levels, respiratory chain impairment, mitochondrial morphology, and cell viability within neurons which both PINK1 and parkin co-operate. Altered mitochondrial integrity and proliferation Interestingly a disrupted mitochondrial morphology was seen in aged human neurons lacking PINK1. Neuronal mitochondria appeared enlarged, with disrupted cristae and greatly reduced matrix volume. This finding corroborates the striking muscle phenotype in PINK1 and parkin knockout fly 19770292 models, where myofibrils contain vacuolated, swollen and dysmorphic mitochondria, with disorganised christae. Enlarged mitochondria were also seen in surviving dopaminergic neurons, the frequency of which increased with age. Using genetic complementation experiments PINK1 was subsequently shown to function `upstream’ of parkin to regulate mitochondrial integrity. Recently, it was found that loss-of-function of the mitochondrial fission-promoting component Drp1, caused lethality in PINK1 17786207 or parkin knockout flies. Conversely, over-expression of Drp1 or mutations in mitochondrial fusion-promoting proteins suppressed the PINK1 and parkin null phenotype. These experiments suggest that these PD genes co-operate to regulate mitochondrial dynamics and that mitochondrial fission is stimulated in response to inactivation of the PINK1parkin pathway. We provide interesting evidence for mitochondrial proliferation in PINK1 knockdown neurons, including increases in mean mitochondrial number per neuron, increased Mitotracker uptake, enhanced expression of respiratory chain complex subunits and elevated citrate synthase activity. Despite an increase in mass, no significant change in respiratory chain activity was detected in neurons lacking PINK1, implying that oxidative phosphorylation may be impaired in the increased numbers of mitochondria in these cells. It is established that increased levels of intracellular ROS may mediate changes in mitochondrial abundance and mtDNA copy number which occur during the ageing process. The oxidative stress induced proliferation of mitochondria may initially be beneficial to compensate for dysfunctional mitochondria, and to supply ATP needed for cell survival. However increased numbers of mitochondria will also result in a further excess of ROS, which in the presence of insufficient antioxidant defense mechanisms, will produce more oxidative damage to cells. Increased oxidative damage will render neurons susceptible to death by apoptosis from