Some of the conserved miRNAs reported here have nucleotide difference in their 59 and/or 39 ends as compared with predicted sequences or homologs in closely-related species

June 9, 2017

NUP98 moiety . All constructs expressed comparable protein levels in primary human CD34+ cells. The effects of NUP98-HOXA9, NUP98-HOXA9/ N51S, HOXA9, and HOXA9DN on the differentiation of primary human CD34+ cells were compared to those of empty vector. Differentiation was assessed by colony-forming cell assays combined with morphologic 16494499 evaluation and flow cytometric immunophenotyping. As previously reported, inspection of CFC plates without order MMAE magnification showed many prominent large erythroid colonies in samples expressing NUP98-HOXA9. The large colonies included some with decreased hemoglobinization, indicating incomplete erythroid maturation. Cells expressing NUP98HOXA9/N51S gave rise to a similar macroscopic appearance but with more fully hemoglobinized erythroid colonies. In contrast, cells expressing either HOXA9 or HOXA9DN did not give rise to macroscopically prominent erythroid colonies. To further assess erythroid differentiation, cells were harvested from the CFC plates and subjected to morphologic evaluation on Giemsa-stained Cytospin preparations and to flow cytometric immunophenotyping. The total number of cells per plate was increased in the NUP98-HOXA9 and the NUP98-HOXA9/N51S samples but not in the HOXA9 and Transformation by NUP98-HOXA9 NUP98 moiety is necessary for disruption of human hematopoietic differentiation. This is further confirmed by the observation that wild-type HOXA9 had only a mild effect on differentiation in spite of containing both the homeodomain and a transactivating domain. The two moieties of NUP98-HOXA9 act synergistically to induce proliferation of primary human CD34+ cells NUP98-HOXA9 induces long-term proliferation of primary human CD34+ cells in liquid culture. In order to assess the relative contributions of the NUP98 and HOXA9 moieties to this proliferative effect, NUP98-HOXA9, NUP98-HOXA9/N51S, wild-type HOXA9, and HOXA9DN were introduced into primary human CD34+ hematopoietic cells by retroviral transduction, with empty retroviral vector as a control. Cells expressing the transduced constructs were selected by sorting for GFP and were cultured in liquid media with a cytokine cocktail as previously 17984313 described with periodic feeding and counting. The different samples showed similar growth profiles for approximately the first month, after which the numbers of control cells and cells expressing HOXA9DN began to decline. Cells expressing HOXA9 or NUP98-HOXA9/N51S showed a modest degree of growth for another few weeks before beginning to decline as well. As expected, NUP98-HOXA9 induced a marked increase in the number of cells in long-term liquid culture that was several orders of magnitude more than that of control cells. Long-term proliferation of primary human CD34+ cells in liquid culture is usually associated with an increase in the numbers of primitive self-renewing cells. These cells are quantitated by the long-term culture-initiating cell assay. As previously shown, NUP98-HOXA9 induced an increase in the numbers of LTC-ICs. On the other hand, NUP98-HOXA9/ N51S, HOXA9, and HOXA9DN did not cause an increase in the numbers of LTC-ICs. Although HOXA9 is leukemogenic in mice and immortalizes primary mouse hematopoietic cells in vitro, our data suggest that it does not have a similar effect on primary human hematopoietic cells. The effects of NUP98-HOXA9, NUP98-HOXA9/N51S, HOXA9, and HOXA9DN on the proliferation of primary human CD34+ cells are summarized in Homeodomain-independent gene regulat